Bridging the Gap to Information

Friday, June 9, 2017

How - and Why - to Build a Powerful Blogging Brand

How - and Why - to Build a Powerful Blogging Brand  


If you’re like me you’re probably wondering why in the heck an individual blogger would need to build a powerful brand.

Isn’t that just for Apple, Nike, Google, Starbucks, and all of these billion dollar empires?


Whether you like it or not, readers make a split second decision each time they find your blog. Either your presentation impresses them and they stick around or you send them packing with a poor presentation.

Your presentation is your blogging brand.

Powerful blog branding is about creating a memorable, impactful experience.

If you follow a few specific steps you can craft a renowned and powerful brand.

Why Build a Powerful Blogging Brand?

Creating a powerful blogging brand:

● Increases your blog traffic

● Boosts your blogging profits

● Multiplies your features on top blogs, podcasts and news outlet websites

● Increases your email list size

● Boosts your blog comments

● Fosters a sense of community among your readers

If readers remember your blogging brand they will return to your blog, buy your products, hire you and endorse you to their like-minded communities.

Follow these tips to build a rocking blogging brand.

1: Pay for a Domain, Hosting and Premium Theme

Pay for a domain, hosting and premium theme to build a powerful, renowned, memorable blogging brand.

By owning a self-hosted Wordpress blog and buying a premium or bespoke theme you can perfectly tailor your blog around your brand. Literally, you can mirror whatever brand image you have in mind through your blog.

Your customization options goes through the roof with a self-hosted Wordpress blog and bespoke theme. Pay up to move up in blogging circles.

2: Align Your Blog Top Down

Align every element of your blog 100% with your core message to create a world renowned brand.

I did not appear on world famous blogs and news sites until I aligned my blog 100% with my core message.

Powerful blogging brands are lean, mean machines, with no excess fat jiggling around your blog design.

You will only see Blogging From Paradise products and services on my blog. I am ruthless when it comes to enforcing this rule but this is the main reason why my blogging brand shines brightly enough to get featured on popular, world-renowned blogs and news outlets.

Trash anything that does not align fully with your blogging message. Yes, that means trashing Adsense or other 3rd party ads that you do not own.

Remember the title of this post; we are building “powerful” brands, not “average”, or ho hum, brands.

3: Integrate Multimedia with Your Blog

Many of my readers said they feel like they got to really know me through my Facebook Live videos.

Recording videos, podcasts and other multimedia adds a human component to your blog which makes your brand memorable.

If my blog is just words on a screen you may have a difficult time remembering me and my blog. If however you see me talking via a Facebook or Youtube video you will perceive me to be a real, living, breathing human behind the words on the page, making my brand more memorable.

Record videos. Start a podcast. Remind readers that you are human. Create a powerful brand by connecting with readers on a deeper, human level.

4: Guest Post on Top Blogs from Your Niche

Guest post on top blogs from your niche.

Add a “Seen At” widget to your blog.

Readers instantly associate your blog with where you were featured, adding more power and credibility to your blogging brand.

I appeared on sites like Virgin, Forbes, Entrepreneur and Fox News. Readers perceive my blogging brand in a different light through the power of associating Blogging From Paradise with these famous, respected brands.

Write 1000 words daily in a Word document for practice to gain confidence in your writing. Comment on top blog. Promote top bloggers via social media. Build friendships with top bloggers to either gain invites to guest post or to pitch your friends successfully.

5: Publish the Same Brand Message across Social Media

Publish the same brand message on social media. From Facebook to Twitter to G Plus to LinkedIn send the same, branded, singular signal that aligns with your core message.

Example; I blog about blogging from paradise. I share tips to help you retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging. To maintain a powerful brand I chiefly publish social media updates related to sharing blogging tips and pictures I snapped in tropical paradises.

Stay on topic. Brand yourself and your blog effectively.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

Authors Bio
Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog with the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course

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