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Friday, March 7, 2014

6 Ways to Get USA and Canada Traffic to Your Blog

Everybody wants to make money online and as a result of the fact that they want to make money online, many internet users are now turning to blogging because it’s one of the easiest way to earn money online and for you to be able to achieve that goal you have to learn how to effectively drive targeted US and Canadian traffic to your blog.

When we say targeted traffic, it simply means the ability to get good blog visitors or readers that will be interested in buying advertisers products or services. Many bloggers get good amount of traffic to their blog but unfortunately those traffic are not valuable because they are coming from poor countries and those countries hardly buys anything online as a result of the fact that they don’t have enough money to purchase. Traffics coming from countries like UNITED STATES, UNITED KINGDOM AND CANADA are valuable and targeted because they are rich countries, any blog that gets good amount of visitors from those countries will make a lot of money from it and that’s why I’ve decided to show you below 6 ways to get USA and Canada traffic to your blog.

How to Get USA and Canada Traffic to Your Blog

MUST READ: Tips to get long lasting blog traffic

Tips to get long lasting blog traffic
1. Target USA and Canada keywords

If you want to get more traffic from USA, UK and Canada the best thing to do is to target keywords that are highly searched for in these locations. You will need to do keyword research and select US, UK and Canada as the locations you want. Look for keywords that have good number of people searching for it in these locations with good CPC and target it. Write good articles with those keywords, do proper on-page and off-page search engine optimization on the article so that you can rank well on SERP to drive more target traffic that you desire. 

2. Use US and Canada social media communities for promotion 

Social media is a powerful source of traffic. It’s one of the cheap and easy way bloggers promote their blog post. To get traffic from social media site you have to share your blog post with good titles on big social media site like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Pinterest etc.

Search for US and Canada groups or communities and join so that you can get traffic from these locations. When searching for groups or communities, search for communities that are related to the niche of your blog post so that people in those groups will be interested to read your post.

3. Connect and engage with US and Canada blogs in your niche

When you connect with other blogs in you niche, it attracts their blog readers to come and read your blog. As a blogger, you need to learn how to connect and engage with other bloggers from US, UK and Canada by reading regularly their blog post, posting comments on their blogs, writing guest post on their blogs and making engaging discussions with their readers too. 

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Guest posting is the most powerful way to engage with other blogs. Write good quality contents and submit them to blogs that have good amount of traffic from the locations you desire. If you do this effectively, you will get good amount of blog readers running down to your blog.

4. Submit your blog to directories with US and Canadian visitors 

People use directories to find interesting contents on the internet and some of those directories have more of US and Canadian visitors. These directories can help you get good traffic from you desired locations if your blog is listed on them. You have to submit your blog to them for approval so that your blog will be listed on their directories for their visitors to see and increase the number of visitors to your blog.

5. Advertise on popular American and Canadian blogs

If you have enough money in your pocket instead of hiring expect to drive traffic to your blog while not use that same money and pay blog admin’s to advertise your blog on their blogs. You can use sites like BuySellAds to find popular US and Canadian blogs with good amount of traffic and purchase an ad slot on them so as to get their blog readers to visit your blog. 

READ Top Tips To Make Your Blog Content A Success

The use of Google Adwords is another great way to get targeted traffic to your blog. You can also advertise on big social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to drive quality targeted traffic to your blog. Advertising on social media is very cheap and if done the right way can increase and drive huge amount of traffic to your blog.

6. Target a particular geographic locations using Google webmaster tool

Google webmaster tool has an option that can allow you target a particular country to show your website mostly to that country but I don’t know if Google actually uses it to determine where to place your blog on search results but there is no harm in giving it a try. For those of us that don’t know how to do that read the tutorial below.

  • Go to Google webmaster tool and click on “Site Dashboard” 

  • Click on the gear icon at right top corner and click “Site Settings”

  • Then tick the box “Target Users In” and choose US or any country of your choice.

Targeting US or Canada location in Google webmaster tool


This is my little knowledge on how to get USA and Canadian traffic to your blog and I hope you enjoyed reading my article. If you have any contribution or more tips to get more targeted traffic please share with us because we will greatly appreciate it and don’t also forget to share this post with your social media friends.

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  1. you can also use google trends to see what is being searched by Canadian and USA people.

  2. Hi daneil

    You wrote well. Most especially in terms of keywords, but know that it actually kinda brings us to another topic.
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  4. Get more traffic to your website business with marketing. Get visitors from a USA and Canada. Social media is best way to generate traffic .Social networking strategy is far easier than managing traffic.Many thanks for a fantastic post.

  5. Good post.. Learned something new today

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  7. Thanks for this post! Getting U.S. Visitors is really important to increase adsense revenue, conversions, etc.

    Thanks again for writing this post!

  8. Quite interesting to know some ways to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

  9. Thanks for the post. Please elaborate with more tips, especially about finding keywords and topics mostly searched by IUS demography. Thanks again. Please see my website too: where I post similar content..

  10. US and Canada hit is really important to earn money online. You have suggested good points. Thanks.

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  12. Thanks for this post...its really informative. And i will try out most of these things immediately on I need a targeted traffic

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  14. thank you for sharing your ideas, it helps real.

  15. I always wonder how to get more traffics from US UK and Canana which bring more CPC to me. After reading this article, have fair idea what path I have follow to get the success.

  16. Very helpful tip, contents play a huge role as well...thanks


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