Bridging the Gap to Information

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Need Money Now!-Make Money Online With Your Blog

Some many people are saying to themselves I need money but don’t actually know what to do to make money. You are so broke right now and you want to do something fast to bail yourself fast from poverty and you don’t have an idea of what to do to bring money fast. I have a solution for you.

Blogging is a sure way of making money if you really need money in a short period of time. Blogging is very lucrative and so many bloggers like +Linda Ikeji has been able to buy a car, build a house from blogging alone, and that’s why they are so many blogs online today because everybody wants to take advantage of it and start earning a living from it.

I will show you how to start making money blogging, but before I start let me explain what the word blogging means so that I can carry everybody along.

I need money

What is a blog? A blog is a website where an individual or group of people write articles and publish for other people to read. Blogging is the act of writing articles and publishing on your blog for people to read and maybe post their comments. So it’s all about writing about your thoughts and anything that interests you. With this little explanation, am sure you know now what blogging is all about.

I need money-How do I start blogging?

Yes, I need money! Am in a hurry right now and all I want is jump into blogging right now and give it a try. It does not work like that. Rome was not built in a day. There are some few questions you need to ask yourself before you start blogging and those questions are: can you write articles? Do you enjoy writing article? And if the answer is yes the next question is: what do you like writing about? Because you have to enjoy whatsoever you are doing before you can really succeed in it.

Once you are done answering those questions and you are sincerely ready to start blogging, all you have to do is to choose a blogging platform e.g. or wordpress and create a blog with a good template of your choice. Write good articles but don’t ever copy people’s articles because it will affect your success. Once you have written up to 30 articles we can now go to the next stage, which is monetizing you blog so that you can start making money from it.

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How to monetize your blog

I have a blog now with good content and I need money from it. How do I start making money from my blog? They are several ways you can earn money online with your blog but I will focus on monetizing your blog with Google adsense.

What is Google adsense and how does it work? Google adsense is an advertisement program run by Google. They display adverts on your blog and they pay per click and per impression. So all you have to do is to register with them by visiting and sign up, once they approve your account, then you are good to go.

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The next step is to place google adsense on your blog. Place your ads on strategic places on your blog where your blog readers can easily see it and click on it. But don’t ever ask your blog readers to click on your ads. The fact that you need money is not enough for you to get it the wrong way because you telling people to click on your ad, will make Google ban you from ever using their program again.

After setting up ads on your blog the next thing to do is to draw traffic to your blog. Traffic is very important if you really need money from your blog. There are so many ways to get traffic but the best source of traffic is through search engines, also known as organic traffic.

To get organic traffic you need to build backlinks for your blog and do good search engine optimization for your blog. It’s very easy, just make a little research on it or contact me and I will tell you how to go about it.


With this little information, I believe you will stop saying to yourself ‘I need money!’ and start putting what you have read into practice to earn money for yourself and be financially free.

If you have questions or contributions to add to this, use the comment box below and don’t forget to follow me on TWITTER, GOOGLE PLUS and click my like button on FACEBOOK to get more information on how to make money online.

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  1. Hmmmmm. A REAL GOOD JOB

  2. As Google is the dominant world search engine, getting buddy buddy with Google is very important to ensure that traffic from keyword searches will display your website in a higher ranking. Make Money Online

    1. Yes you are right but you have to give good content first because that's what will actually make you stand out from the crowd.

  3. The Best - I Need Money Now!


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